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Top 7 Product Management methodologies and frameworks.

top 7

Product management is one of the most significant functions in a company. It involves the planning, development, and management of products and services. As such, it requires the right tools and methodologies to be successful. With the right product management methodologies, companies can make sure that their products are designed and developed with the customer in mind. In this article, we will look at the top 7 product management methodologies …

You Can Kanban

Trello Buildly

Kanban boards are one of our favorite Product-tivity (see what did there?) tools here at Buildly and as we love to borrow from the greats, lean manufacturing process built around it from Toyota fits into our philosophy here as well. Also one of our favorite Buildly Insights integrations is with the Trello API, so I thought we'd share how we use Trello as well as our own open and public template you can use for simple and fast product management.

What is Agile anyway?

Agile Scrum

Agile software development, project management and just Agile in general is used to explain a lot of different types of processes and tools, but what is it really? For most of us it's one particular version like Scrum, Lean, Kanban or XP or any other number of methodologies, or maybe it's just the agile manifesto to you? Yes it sounds a bit dogmatic, but the reality is it should be just what the name says, an adaptive and changing process that best fits your team and product.

3 Simple Rules for Dev Teams

Buildly Release Reports

Starting a new development team is never easy, personalities always seem to clash and conflict happens at every stage. Add to that the pressures of building a product for a fast paced startup or enterprise organization with deadlines and things can go off the rails fast. We've found a few simple rules when starting a new product and team that helps us get through the storming periods faster and move into a rhythm fast.