product management

Build better software faster and save money with The Buildly Lifecycle

Experience a smarter and more efficient way of managing your software


Reduction in software development budget

AI reviewed planning

component based custom


40 %

Time saved by reduced meeting times and leveraging built-in templates

Fewer Meetings

with better communication

and faster planning

25 %

Time and money savings hiring a vetted software team that can scale with you.

AI reviewed planning

component based custom


product management

Build better software faster and save money with The Buildly Lifecycle

Experience a smarter and more efficient way of managing your software


Reduction in software development budget

AI reviewed planning

component based custom


40 %

Time saved by reduced meeting times and leveraging built-in templates

Fewer Meetings

with better communication

and faster planning

25 %

Time and money savings hiring a vetted software team that can scale with you.

AI reviewed planning

component based custom



Buildly Lifecycle

Step 1

Product Labs

and Planning

Get automated technical translation and improved team communication along with: Budgets, Timelines, Software architecture and so much more generated for you in an instant.

Release management tool, and AI suggestions for packaging, planning, and documenting future releases. Uniquely trained AI on your product.

Step 2


Release Management

If you'd like more help, Try our network of trusted technical co-founders and remote development agencies.

Next Steps

Collab Hub

Collaboration and Marketplace

For Developers, we have an Open-source gateway and a marketplace of microservice components. You can easily snap them together to create complex applications without the usual headaches.

And More

RAD Core

Open Source RAD Core

product management

Build better software faster and save money with The Buildly Lifecycle

Experience a smarter and more efficient way of managing your software


Reduction in software development budget

AI reviewed planning

component based custom



Time and money savings hiring a vetted software team that can scale with you.

Collab Hub

vetted marketplace of

developers building with our

RAD Core

40 %

Time saved by reduced meeting times and leveraging built-in templates & AI Planning

Fewer Meetings

with better communication

and faster planning



Buildly Lifecycle

Step 1

Product Labs

and Planning

Get automated technical translation and improved team communication along with: Budgets, Timelines, Software architecture and so much more generated for you in an instant.

Step 2


Release Management

Release management tool, and AI suggestions for packaging, planning, and documenting future releases. Uniquely trained AI on your product.

Next Steps

Collab Hub

Collaboration and Marketplace

If you'd like more help, Try our network of trusted technical co-founders and remote development agencies.

And More

RAD Core

Open Source RAD Core

For Developers, we have an Open-source gateway and a marketplace of microservice components. You can easily snap them together to create complex applications without the usual headaches.

Build better software faster and save money with The Buildly Lifecycle

Experience a smarter and more efficient way of managing your software


Reduction in software development budget

AI reviewed planning

component based

custom software


Time saved by reduced meeting times and leveraging built-in templates

Fewer Meetings

with better


and faster planning

25 %

Time and money savings hiring a vetted software team that can scale with you.

AI reviewed planning

component based

custom software

Build better software faster and save money with The Buildly Lifecycle

Experience a smarter and more efficient way of managing your software


Reduction in software development budget

AI reviewed planning

component based

custom software


Time saved by reduced meeting times and leveraging built-in templates

Fewer Meetings

with better


and faster planning

25 %

Time and money savings hiring a vetted software team that can scale with you.

AI reviewed planning

component based

custom software

Step 1

Product Labs

and Planning

Get automated technical translation and improved team communication along with: Budgets, Timelines, Software architecture and so much more generated for you in an instant.

Release management tool, and AI suggestions for packaging, planning, and documenting future releases. Uniquely trained AI on your product.

Step 2


Release Management

Next Steps

Collab Hub

Collaboration and Marketplace

If you'd like more help, Try our network of trusted technical co-founders and remote development agencies.

And More

RAD Core

Open Source RAD Core

For Developers, we have an Open-source gateway and a marketplace of microservice components. You can easily snap them together to create complex applications without the usual headaches.

Buildly Lifecycle

Discover how The Buildly Lifecycle will change your software development journey forward with Discovery, Planning, and Collaboration.





Buildly Labs

Business Requirements
Business Requirements

AI Guided Business Requirements and Translation to Technical Docs and Features.

AI Guided Business Requirements and Translation to Technical Docs and Features.

share securely
share securely

Share your Requirements Securely.

Share your Requirements Securely.

release planning
release planning

Plan Releases using one tool connected to GitHub, Trello or other tools.

Plan Releases using one tool connected to GitHub, Trello or other tools.

product launch
product launch

Launch and deploy your product with one of deployment partners.

Launch and deploy your product with one of deployment partners.

Register now for beta access to Buildly Labs

Buildly Labs automates translation and communication so you can focus on business requirements and innovation.

Use Cases

team image
team image

Product Manager

Learn More

team image
team image


Learn More

team image
team image

Migrating a Legacy Systems

Learn More

team image
team image

Cloud Native Hosting

Learn More






1 Product and 5 Free Suggested Features

2 Team Members

Product Roadmap and Release Planning

Free for Open Sourse Projects





Unlimited Products and Features

Up to 10 Team Members

Product Roadmap and Release Planning

Release Management

Trello and GitHub Integrations




Unlimited Products and Features

Unlimited Team Members

Product Roadmap and Release Planning

Release Management

Trello and GitHub Integrations

Partner Status


Contact Us

Developer and Team Portals

Custom Design and Hybrid Hosting

Remote Team Management

Internally Reusable Modules

Innersource Management Portals




1 Product and 5 Free Suggested Features

2 Team Members

Product Roadmap and Release Planning

Free for Open Sourse Projects




1 Product and 5 Free Suggested Features

2 Team Members

Product Roadmap and Release Planning

Free for Open Sourse Projects





Unlimited Products and Features

Up to 10 Team Members

Product Roadmap and Release Planning

Release Management

Trello and GitHub Integrations





Unlimited Products and Features

Up to 10 Team Members

Product Roadmap and Release Planning

Release Management

Trello and GitHub Integrations




Unlimited Products and Features

Unlimited Team Members

Product Roadmap and Release Planning

Release Management

Trello and GitHub Integrations

Partner Status




Unlimited Products and Features

Unlimited Team Members

Product Roadmap and Release Planning

Release Management

Trello and GitHub Integrations

Partner Status


Contact Us

Developer and Team Portals

Custom Design and Hybrid Hosting

Remote Team Management

Internally Reusable Modules

Innersource Management Portals


Contact Us

Developer and Team Portals

Custom Design and Hybrid Hosting

Remote Team Management

Internally Reusable Modules

Innersource Management Portals

Free Trial



1 Product and 5 Free Suggested Features

2 Team Members

Product Roadmap

Automated Budgeting





Secure Sharing and Marketplace Access

Up to 10 Team Members andwith Custom Notifications and Alerts

Product Roadmap and Release Planning with AI assistant

Release Management

Trello and GitHub Integrations




Advertise and Matching in the Marketplace

Unlimited Team Members and Products

Product Roadmap and Release Planning for every Client

Automated Release Management for Every Product

Trello and GitHub Integrations

Free Certification and Review Process


Contact Us

Developer and Team Portals

Custom Design and Hybrid Hosting

Remote Team Management

Internally Reusable Modules

Innersource Management Portals



The Buildly Lifecycle process helps startups and SMBs document their ideas, translating business concepts into detailed technical documentation. It facilitates secure sharing of these ideas, and supports product development with AI-driven release management, planning, and documentation. Additionally, it leverages the Open Source RAD core for scalable, customizable application development.


Our mission is to build inclusive communities where ideas are shared easily and teams work on innovative ideas rather than rebuilding the wheel.The founding of Buildly was based on several startups that most of the original founding team worked on, as well as the open source projects we built or contributed to over the last 10 years. We are all passionate open source supporters and life long software developers and tech enthusiasts, and we have founded Buildly based on our previous experience and as an evolution of our desire to focus on user experience and craftsmanship in every phase of software development.

Built with our Community for our community

Reduce redundant processes to 0

Make it easy for anyone to get started and feel comfortable

Not everyone understands what a microservice is, what Kubernetes means, or even how to pronounce it, but our team eats, sleeps, and dreams this stuff. We can help you get set up with tools to start building and migrating to the cloud faster than you ever thought possible.

Learn More



The Buildly Lifecycle process helps startups and SMBs document their ideas, translating business concepts into detailed technical documentation. It facilitates secure sharing of these ideas, and supports product development with AI-driven release management, planning, and documentation. Additionally, it leverages the Open Source RAD core for scalable, customizable application development.


Our mission is to build inclusive communities where ideas are shared easily and teams work on innovative ideas rather than rebuilding the wheel.The founding of Buildly was based on several startups that most of the original founding team worked on, as well as the open source projects we built or contributed to over the last 10 years. We are all passionate open source supporters and life long software developers and tech enthusiasts, and we have founded Buildly based on our previous experience and as an evolution of our desire to focus on user experience and craftsmanship in every phase of software development.

Built with our Community for our community

Reduce redundant processes to 0

Make it easy for anyone to get started and feel comfortable

Not everyone understands what a microservice is, what Kubernetes means, or even how to pronounce it, but our team eats, sleeps, and dreams this stuff. We can help you get set up with tools to start building and migrating to the cloud faster than you ever thought possible.

Learn More

Foundry customers and partners

Our goal is to help every team and product that joins Buildly, both at the Foundry and Partner levels as well as the free open source and enterprise plans.

Here we list some of the early adopters who have helped us get started and we couldn't get on without.

  • company logo


The Buildly Lifecycle process helps startups and SMBs document their ideas, translating business concepts into detailed technical documentation. It facilitates secure sharing of these ideas, and supports product development with AI-driven release management, planning, and documentation. Additionally, it leverages the Open Source RAD core for scalable, customizable application development.


Our mission is to build inclusive communities where ideas are shared easily and teams work on innovative ideas rather than rebuilding the wheel.The founding of Buildly was based on several startups that most of the original founding team worked on, as well as the open source projects we built or contributed to over the last 10 years. We are all passionate open source supporters and life long software developers and tech enthusiasts, and we have founded Buildly based on our previous experience and as an evolution of our desire to focus on user experience and craftsmanship in every phase of software development.

Built with our Community for our community

Reduce redundant processes to 0

Make it easy for anyone to get started and feel comfortable

Not everyone understands what a microservice is, what Kubernetes means, or even how to pronounce it, but our team eats, sleeps, and dreams this stuff. We can help you get set up with tools to start building and migrating to the cloud faster than you ever thought possible.

Learn More

Foundry customers and partners

Our goal is to help every team and product that joins Buildly, both at the Foundry and Partner levels as well as the free open source and enterprise plans.

Here we list some of the early adopters who have helped us get started and we couldn't get on without.

  • company logo


team image

Gregory Lind

CEO 20+ year career in software development for Enterprise and Startups

team image

Radhika Patel

VP of Engineering AI/ML MA sc. AI/ML Experienced Full stack and Ops

team image

Avinash Naganathan

Chief Product Office

team image

Peter Odeny

VP Engineering 10 year Software Engineer

team image

Ivy Mwonge

VP of Front End 10 years in Design and UI

team image

Maryna Mishchenko

VP of Product and Marketing International Multiple Founder


team image

Gregory Lind

CEO 20+ year career in software development for Enterprise and Startups

CEO 20+ year career in software development for Enterprise and Startups

team image

Radhika Patel

VP of Engineering AI/ML MA sc. AI/ML Experienced Full stack and Ops

VP of Engineering AI/ML MA sc. AI/ML Experienced Full stack and Ops

team image

Avinash Naganathan

Chief Product Office

Chief Product Office

team image

Peter Odeny

VP Engineering 10 year Software Engineer

VP Engineering 10 year Software Engineer

team image

Ivy Mwonge

VP of Front End 10 years in Design and UI

VP of Front End 10 years in Design and UI

team image

Maryna Mishchenko

VP of Product and Marketing International Multiple Founder

VP of Product and Marketing International Multiple Founder





Sign up for the Buildly Lifecycle Newsletter to get the latest info on release and open source projects

Sign up for the Buildly Lifecycle Newsletter to get the latest info on release and open source projects

Sign up for the Buildly Lifecycle Newsletter to get the latest info on release and open source projects

Apply Now

Apply now through The Buildly Sponsored "First City Foundry"

Apply Now

Apply now through The Buildly Sponsored "First City Foundry"

Apply Now

Apply now through The Buildly Sponsored "First City Foundry"

Apply now through The Buildly Sponsored "First City Foundry"