Build powerful and scalable applications

Open-source business logic modules as part of a component-driven architecture

Build powerful and scalable applications

Open-source business logic modules as part of a component-driven architecture

Buildly RAD Core


Faster development

Build features quickly and easily with pre-built components, reducing code conflicts and streamlining the process.


Faster development

Build features quickly and easily with pre-built components, reducing code conflicts and streamlining the process.


Faster development

Build features quickly and easily with pre-built components, reducing code conflicts and streamlining the process.


Improved performance

Buildly RAD Core's architecture eliminates the need for multiple steps, making your app feel lightning-fast.


Effortless scaling

As your project grows, simply add more components to match your needs. Buildly RAD Core scales seamlessly with your team.


Open Source

Buildly RAD Core is free to use, allowing you to experiment and innovate without licensing fees.


Active Community

Get help and share best practices with a vibrant developer community.


Reduced Risk

With modular components, adding new team members becomes less risky and easier to manage.

Open Source - Component Based Software Architecture

With Buildly Gateway + System, a component-driven architecture allowing for reuse and single services allows microservice architecture at the enterprise level to be incredibly simple and efficient. When you reuse a service, it can be deployed and reconfigured in minutes, allowing for new versions to be managed from one upstream service. If you hre-service a component, it can be used from one hosted service and database and reduce redundant data and allow for sharing across your organization or teams.

Open Source - Developer Tools

Discover how our expertise has transformed businesses. Read real-life examples of how we've helped clients achieve their goals.

Open Source - Component Based Software Architecture

With Buildly Gateway + System, a component-driven architecture allowing for reuse and single services allows microservice architecture at the enterprise level to be incredibly simple and efficient. When you reuse a service, it can be deployed and reconfigured in minutes, allowing for new versions to be managed from one upstream service. If you hre-service a component, it can be used from one hosted service and database and reduce redundant data and allow for sharing across your organization or teams.

Open Source - Developer Tools

Discover how our expertise has transformed businesses. Read real-life examples of how we've helped clients achieve their goals.

Open Source - Component Based Software Architecture

With Buildly Gateway + System, a component-driven architecture allowing for reuse and single services allows microservice architecture at the enterprise level to be incredibly simple and efficient. When you reuse a service, it can be deployed and reconfigured in minutes, allowing for new versions to be managed from one upstream service. If you hre-service a component, it can be used from one hosted service and database and reduce redundant data and allow for sharing across your organization or teams.

Open Source - Developer Tools

Discover how our expertise has transformed businesses. Read real-life examples of how we've helped clients achieve their goals.

Buildly Open Sourse

Software Architecture as a Service

We are fostering and growing a community of open source software developers, technical teams, and product owners to work on refining the work of building products together, listening and respecting each other's opinions, and speeding up the process so we can all focus on innovation and growth together as a community.

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Apply now through The Buildly Sponsored "First City Foundry"

© Copyright Buildly, Inc. 2024 All Rights Reserved

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Apply now through The Buildly Sponsored "First City Foundry"

© Copyright Buildly, Inc. 2024 All Rights Reserved