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Entries for category "Insights-Help"

Kubernetes - What is Cloud Native?

Docker Containers

A lot of what we do at Buildly depends on containers and a way to manage or orchestrate them through Kubernetes. Yes it's a funny word, greek for helmsman or pilot, but it's an important open source project that allows developers to build massively scaleable, as well as little itty bitty tiny applications and deploy them almost anywhere.

What is a sprint?

what is a sprint?

Sprint is a term used in product management to describe a time-boxed period of development that focuses on creating a working product increment. A sprint typically lasts between two and four weeks and is the basic unit of development in Scrum, an Agile software development framework. During the sprint, teams focus on specific tasks and activities to create a potentially shippable product increment. At the end of the sprint, a …

You Can Kanban

Trello Buildly

Kanban boards are one of our favorite Product-tivity (see what did there?) tools here at Buildly and as we love to borrow from the greats, lean manufacturing process built around it from Toyota fits into our philosophy here as well. Also one of our favorite Buildly Insights integrations is with the Trello API, so I thought we'd share how we use Trello as well as our own open and public template you can use for simple and fast product management.