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These 7 productivity tools will help your team be more efficient in 2023

These 7 productivity tools will help your team be more efficient in 2023

Being productive is more important than ever these days. Teams can work more effectively and accomplish their objectives more quickly with the appropriate techniques and tactics. But it can be challenging to determine which productivity tools and apps are the most successful with so many options available. We've compiled a list of the top 7 team productivity tools for 2023 to get you going. These technologies, which range from project …

The Faults in Your Big Bang Theory


If I was going to bet on the success or failure of an IT project, the first thing I’d want to look at is the roll out plan. Are they planning a “Big Bang” rollout, maybe with a data migration? If so, that means they are planning on developing, testing and deploying an application all while retraining everyone in the organization to use it, adjusting and replacing legacy processes and …

What is a sprint?

what is a sprint?

Sprint is a term used in product management to describe a time-boxed period of development that focuses on creating a working product increment. A sprint typically lasts between two and four weeks and is the basic unit of development in Scrum, an Agile software development framework. During the sprint, teams focus on specific tasks and activities to create a potentially shippable product increment. At the end of the sprint, a …

Top 7 Product Management methodologies and frameworks.

top 7

Product management is one of the most significant functions in a company. It involves the planning, development, and management of products and services. As such, it requires the right tools and methodologies to be successful. With the right product management methodologies, companies can make sure that their products are designed and developed with the customer in mind. In this article, we will look at the top 7 product management methodologies …

You Can Kanban

Trello Buildly

Kanban boards are one of our favorite Product-tivity (see what did there?) tools here at Buildly and as we love to borrow from the greats, lean manufacturing process built around it from Toyota fits into our philosophy here as well. Also one of our favorite Buildly Insights integrations is with the Trello API, so I thought we'd share how we use Trello as well as our own open and public template you can use for simple and fast product management.